This is the NME front cover. the message that is trying to get represented by the singer/actor Plan B is that he is a stereo typical young adult in a hoodie. I feel that the message that plan B is trying to give off about him self is that he does not care what you think about him and that he is not a very nice person. this representation is being shown to the audience by the the things that he is doing in the image. the things that show this in the image is the swearing,smoking and the mean confrontational facial image. the reason Plan B is using this way attitude in the image is to try and draw readers into the headline. the head say 'David Cameron... be very afraid plan b is coming for you' the effect of this representation is to make you think and believe that Plan B is going to try and kill or hurt the prime minister David Cameron.
This is the NME front cover. the message that is trying to get represented by the singer/actor Plan B is that he is a stereo typical young adult in a hoodie. I feel that the message that plan B is trying to give off about him self is that he does not care what you think about him and that he is not a very nice person. this representation is being shown to the audience by the the things that he is doing in the image. the things that show this in the image is the swearing,smoking and the mean confrontational facial image. the reason Plan B is using this way attitude in the image is to try and draw readers into the headline. the head say 'David Cameron... be very afraid plan b is coming for you' the effect of this representation is to make you think and believe that Plan B is going to try and kill or hurt the prime minister David Cameron.